Our Mission
While some of Kickapoo’s sustainability and community objectives were completed with single actions, like the original acquisition of the Acreage, others involve long-term recurring or permanent projects.
One of the most labor-intensive efforts is the re-naturalization and maintenance of the land, with the goal of bringing it back to its original state. These re-naturalization efforts are multi-phased:
Identify and document the indigenous flora to the area
Through extensive research and strategic partnerships, we have compiled a detailed picture of the species indigenous to the area.
Build, store and maintain a collection of native seed
Our seed library, based out of our new dedicated facility, continues to grow, allowing our reprairization efforts to be self-sufficient.
Eliminate any non-native and invasive species of plants.
This can be done with a range of removal methods from simple trimming and bringing in arborists, to prescribed fires to clear room for replanting.
Replant the prairie to its original state.
Once clear, efforts are then focused on replanting the open land with original flora, from our index of seedings, rebuilding the natural prairie conditions native to the area.
This process is ongoing and made possible through a network of partnerships.